We take a person-centred approach to evaluating your project.
You might be looking for evaluation to help you make improvements or to develop your business. It might be that you are required to appoint an external evaluator as part of a funding agreement.
We believe that when you evaluate you can learn a lot from making sure the voice of the people at the heart of your project are given prominence. We draw on a wide variety of interactive methods to uncover the journey that participants, staff and volunteers have taken together.
We take this information alongside the quantitative data that you have available and the data that we collect through surveys and interviews. We bring this together to form a report that ‘speaks’ to the people who will be reading and using the evaluation.
Although evaluation requires a physical report document, it doesn’t have to be 100 pages of dry words that gathers dust in a drawer.
Here is an example of what we can do! FAB Evaluation Report
If you want to celebrate a fantastic piece of work, we can help turn it into a fun presentation, an art gallery or even a piece of theatre. Invite the participants, stakeholders, funders and donors and shout about what you’ve achieved together.